This is best answered by a recent example.
Mrs A had purchased a kitchen from us and being over the moon with the end result wanted us to carry out the same in the annex her mother occupied attached to her house. There were budget constraints so ideally she wanted to use a mid-market product of good quality that complimented the German kitchen already installed by us.
A friend of hers had recently had a “cheap” kitchen installed (but interestingly still unfinished after 7 months) by a large national company who will remain nameless here. She explained to me what could go wrong as they offered a 25 year warranty! I said this was farcical as this only included the hinges and some parts of the metal drawer boxes but in fact the more expensive items and those liable to be difficult to replace such as the doors, drawers and all the panels had a limited 12 month warranty. She showed me their advert on her Ipad adamant that it was a proper full 25 years and we went searching deep into their terms and conditions and “hey presto” there it was neatly hidden away – 12 months on the items that counted. She didn’t have the heart to inform her friend as things were already fraught with said company.
We carried out the work 8 weeks later with a full 10 year warranty in writing from the manufacturer on the annex kitchen with two years on all the electrical appliances. The tap and waste disposal had 5 years and the sink 25 years. Peace of mind all covered.
A friendly reminder to always do thorough research, and always check terms & conditions and warranty policies!